Atata.KendoUI 1.2.0 is Released

December 5, 2019 by Yevgeniy Shunevych

Atata.KendoUI 1.2.0 is released with several enhancements and fixes.


New Features

  • major #45 Add KendoDateInput<TOwner> control
  • major #46 Add NgKendoDateInput<TOwner> control
  • major #48 Add NgKendoDatePicker<TOwner> control

Changes and Enhancements

  • major #43 Use Atata package v1.4.0
  • major #44 Update KendoDropDownList<T, TOwner> to optionally wait for Popup on Set


  • fix #38 KendoDatePicker<TOwner> throws when tries to get value from control displaying placeholder
  • fix #40 KendoNumericTextBox: not able to set value
  • fix #47 KendoDatePicker<TOwner> fails to set value for React component
  • fix #50 KendoDropDownList<T, TOwner> IsReadOnly is always true for Angular component