Atata.Bootstrap 1.1.0 is Released

December 24, 2020 by Yevgeniy Shunevych

Atata.Bootstrap 1.1.0 is released with support of Bootstrap v3-v5.


Changes and Enhancements

  • major #21 Use Selenium.WebDriver package v3.141.0
  • major #22 Use Atata.WebDriverExtras package v1.4.0
  • major #23 Use Atata package v1.9.0
  • major #24 Update BSDropdownToggle<TOwner>.GetIsEnabled method implementation
  • major #25 Make ControlDefinition XPath of BSPill<TOwner> less strict
  • major #26 Make ControlDefinition XPath of BSTab<TOwner> less strict
  • major #27 Update BSNavItem<TOwner> IsEnabled and IsActive implementations to handle cases of Bootstrap v4 and v5
  • major #28 Update ClickTabOrPillAttribute implementation to handle cases of Bootstrap v4 and v5
  • major #29 Add .NET 4.6 as target framework