Presenting Atata.HtmlValidation

July 28, 2021 by Yevgeniy Shunevych

New Atata.HtmlValidation .NET library is released to help you validate HTML of pages.


Atata.HtmlValidation is a .NET library that adds HTML page validation to Atata using html-validate NPM package.

The library depends on:

Find out more information on the library on Atata.HtmlValidation GitHub repository README page.


  • Uses CLI of html-validate NPM package.
  • Validates HTML of Atata page objects.
  • Performs validation offline.
  • Supports different result formatters.
  • Supports custom validation rule sets by configuration files.
  • Saves HTML and validation results to artifact files.
  • Can produce either error or warning.


Using ValidateHtml Extension Method

The primary way to execute validations is using ValidateHtml extension method:

public static TPageObject ValidateHtml<TPageObject>(
    this TPageObject pageObject,
    HtmlValidationOptions options = null,
    bool asWarning = false)
    where TPageObject : PageObject<TPageObject>;

The method validates the HTML of current page. Relies on HtmlValidator class that uses “html-validate” NPM package to execute HTML validation.

Before the execution of validation, the check of installed “html-validate” package version performs. The required package version is defined in HtmlValidatePackageVersion property of options. The required version will be installed if “html-validate” package is not installed or the installed version differs from the required one.

By default, when validation fails, throws an assertion exception with a message containing a list of HTML errors. Produces a warning instead of assertion exception if asWarning argument is set to true.

Validate by Default

Go.To<OrdinaryPage>(url: "some/url")

Validate As Warning

Go.To<OrdinaryPage>(url: "some/url")
    .ValidateHtml(asWarning: true);

Validate With Custom Options

var options = new HtmlValidationOptions
    OutputFormatter = HtmlValidateFormatter.Names.Text,
    ResultFileFormatter = HtmlValidateFormatter.Names.Json,
    ConfigPath = "some/config.json"

Go.To<OrdinaryPage>(url: "some/url")

Validate With Options Based on Default Ones

Go.To<OrdinaryPage>(url: "some/url")
    .ValidateHtml(HtmlValidationOptions.Default.CloneWith(x => x.ConfigPath = "another/config.json"));

Using ValidateHtmlAttribute Trigger

ValidateHtmlAttribute - the trigger attribute that indicates that the page HTML should be validated on the specified event. By default occurs upon the page object initialization. Invokes ValidateHtml method using HtmlValidationOptions.Default options.

Has public bool AsWarning { get; set; } property that gets or sets a value indicating whether to produce a warning instead of assertion exception on validation failure. The default value is false.

Apply to Certain Page Object

public class SomePage : Page<_>

Apply to All Page Objects

    .Attributes.Global.Add(new ValidateHtmlAttribute { TargetType = typeof(PageObject<>) });

Using HtmlValidator

This approach is a bit low-level one. Can be used without active AtataContext.

HtmlValidator - uses “html-validate” NPM package to execute HTML validation. If required version of “html-validate” package is not installed, installs it.

HtmlValidator validator = new HtmlValidator(
    new HtmlValidationOptions()); // HtmlValidationOptions are optional here.

string html = "<html>...</html>";
// string html = webDriver.PageSource;

HtmlValidationResult result = validator.Validate(html);

if (!result.IsSuccessful)
    string resultMessage = result.Output;

    // TODO: Handle validation failure case.

Validation Results

The results of failed validation using ValidateHtml method can be found in few places.

Additionally original HTML snapshot, which was validated, is saved to Atata Artifacts directory as a file.


An AssertionException is thrown with the message similar to:

Wrong "<app>" page HTML document, which contains errors:
  69:22  error  <th> is missing required "scope" attribute     element-required-attributes
  70:22  error  <th> is missing required "scope" attribute     element-required-attributes
  71:22  error  <th> is missing required "scope" attribute     element-required-attributes
  72:22  error  <th> is missing required "scope" attribute     element-required-attributes
  81:26  error  <button> is missing required "type" attribute  element-required-attributes
  82:26  error  <button> is missing required "type" attribute  element-required-attributes
  83:26  error  <button> is missing required "type" attribute  element-required-attributes

✖ 7 problems (7 errors, 0 warnings)

More information:

Result File

By default, the result file that is saved to Atata Artifacts directory is generated using “codeframe” formatter, which provides nice detailed report.

error: <th> is missing required "scope" attribute (element-required-attributes) at 785a0e99-359a-4905-b490-3a62c61fbf37.html:69:22:
  67 |             <thead>
  68 |                 <tr>
> 69 |                     <th>Name</th>
     |                      ^^
  70 |                     <th>Price</th>
  71 |                     <th>Amount</th>
  72 |                     <th></th>

error: <th> is missing required "scope" attribute (element-required-attributes) at 785a0e99-359a-4905-b490-3a62c61fbf37.html:70:22:
  68 |                 <tr>
  69 |                     <th>Name</th>
> 70 |                     <th>Price</th>
     |                      ^^
  71 |                     <th>Amount</th>
  72 |                     <th></th>
  73 |                 </tr>



Additional details of validation execution can be found in Atata log.

2021-07-23 19:06:22.7088  INFO > Validate: "<app>" page HTML document
2021-07-23 19:06:22.7102 TRACE - > Get page source HTML
2021-07-23 19:06:22.7319 TRACE - < Get page source HTML (0.021s)
2021-07-23 19:06:22.7434 TRACE - HTML saved to file "D:\Development\atata-sample-app-tests\test\AtataSampleApp.UITests\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\artifacts\2021-07-23 19_05_57\HtmlPageValidationTests\Validate(products)\785a0e99-359a-4905-b490-3a62c61fbf37.html"
2021-07-23 19:06:23.3315 TRACE - > Execute html-validate CLI command for "785a0e99-359a-4905-b490-3a62c61fbf37.html" with "stylish" formatter
2021-07-23 19:06:24.2595 TRACE - < Execute html-validate CLI command for "785a0e99-359a-4905-b490-3a62c61fbf37.html" with "stylish" formatter (0.927s) >> { IsSuccessful = False }
2021-07-23 19:06:24.2615 TRACE - > Execute html-validate CLI command for "785a0e99-359a-4905-b490-3a62c61fbf37.html" with "codeframe" formatter
2021-07-23 19:06:25.1164 TRACE - < Execute html-validate CLI command for "785a0e99-359a-4905-b490-3a62c61fbf37.html" with "codeframe" formatter (0.854s) >> { IsSuccessful = False }
2021-07-23 19:06:25.1203  INFO - HTML validation report saved to file "D:\Development\atata-sample-app-tests\test\AtataSampleApp.UITests\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\artifacts\2021-07-23 19_05_57\HtmlPageValidationTests\Validate(products)\785a0e99-359a-4905-b490-3a62c61fbf37.txt"
2021-07-23 19:06:31.4848  INFO < Validate: "<app>" page HTML document (8.775s) >> NUnit.Framework.AssertionException: Wrong "<app>" page HTML document, which contains errors...
2021-07-23 19:06:31.5586 ERROR Wrong "<app>" page HTML document, which contains errors:
  69:22  error  <th> is missing required "scope" attribute     element-required-attributes
  70:22  error  <th> is missing required "scope" attribute     element-required-attributes
  71:22  error  <th> is missing required "scope" attribute     element-required-attributes
  72:22  error  <th> is missing required "scope" attribute     element-required-attributes
  81:26  error  <button> is missing required "type" attribute  element-required-attributes
  82:26  error  <button> is missing required "type" attribute  element-required-attributes
  83:26  error  <button> is missing required "type" attribute  element-required-attributes

✖ 7 problems (7 errors, 0 warnings)

More information:

Sample Project

Check out atata-framework/atata-sample-app-tests repository, which contains HtmlPageValidationTests test class that validates HTML of some pages. It also contains a sample .htmlvalidate.json configuration file.