Atata 2.6.0 is Released

January 9, 2023 by Yevgeniy Shunevych

Atata 2.6.0 is released with WaitForAngular feature and simplification of page object navigation by dynamic URL.


New Features

  • major #728 Simplify page object navigation by dynamic URL
  • major #730 Add WaitForAngular methods to UIComponentScriptExecutor<TOwner>
  • major #731 Add WaitForAngularAttribute trigger attribute

Changes and Enhancements

  • minor #732 Replace WaitForAngularJSAjaxAttribute with WaitForAngularJSAttribute

Wait for Angular

Script.WaitForAngular() method and WaitForAngularAttribute trigger are added for Angular (v2+) waitings.

Trigger Usage

Apply to button after click:

public Button<_> Save { get; private set;}

Apply to page object upon initialization:

public class SomePage : Page<_>

You can also apply the trigger globally for all Init and AfterClick events:

    .Attributes.Global.Add(new WaitForAngularAttribute(TriggerEvents.Init | TriggerEvents.AfterClick));

Method Usage


Simplification of Page Object Navigation by Dynamic URL

Current functionality of dynamic navigation requires to override Navigate method in a page object and call Go.ToUrl method with the built URL. Parameters for navigation should be passed through constructor and stored in fields.

Simplification is done by adding NavigationUrl property which can be set directly in constructor and the need for Navigate method disappears.


New members are added to PageObject<TOwner> for a possibility to set a URL in a page object constructor or in a static helper method:

protected string NavigationUrl { get; set; }

public TOwner AppendNavigationUrl(string urlPart);

public TOwner SetNavigationUrl(string url);

Log messages happening during navigation are also changed. Now they are written like sections, which can be useful to track the time of navigation.

PageObject<TOwner> members that became obsolete:

  • NavigateOnInit property.
  • Navigate method.

Old Usage Example

Before, you had to override Navigate method and execute Go.ToUrl there.

[Url(DefaultUrl)] // The default URL that will be used when no query is provided. Can be omitted.
public class GoogleSearchPage : Page<_>
    private const string DefaultUrl = "/search";

    private readonly string query;

    public GoogleSearchPage(string query = null) =>
        this.query = query;

    protected override void Navigate()
        if (query != null)

    public static _ ByQuery(string query) =>

New Usage Examples

Example 1

public class UserPage : Page<_>
    public UserPage(int? id = null)
        if (id.HasValue)
            NavigationUrl = $"/user/{id}";
Go.To(new UserPage(42));

Example 2

public class UserPage : Page<_>
    // Default constructor is needed for non-direct navigation, for example via link click.
    public UserPage()

    public UserPage(int id)
        NavigationUrl = $"/user/{id}";
Go.To(new UserPage(42));

Example 3

public class UserPage : Page<_>
    public static _ ById(int id) =>
        new() { NavigationUrl = $"/user/{id}" };

Example 4

Static URL can be combined with dynamic part.

public class GoogleSearchPage : Page<_>
    public GoogleSearchPage(string query = null)
        if (query != null)
            NavigationUrl += $"?q={query}"; // "/search" + $"?q={query}" = "/search?q={query}"
// Or:
Go.To(new GoogleSearchPage("keyword"));

Example 5

Similar to the previous example, but uses static method instead of constructor.

public class GoogleSearchPage : Page<_>
    public static _ WithQuery(string query) =>
        new _().AppendNavigationUrl($"?q={query}");
// Or: