Atata.Configuration.Json 2.5.0 is Released

October 24, 2023 by Yevgeniy Shunevych

Atata.Configuration.Json 2.5.0 is released with support of latest Atata 2.11.0 configuration changes.


Changes and enhancements

  • major #101 Use Atata package v2.11.0
  • major #102 Deprecate NUnit event handling configuration properties

Deprecate NUnit event handling configuration properties

Due to atata-framework/atata#780 change NUnit event handling configuration properties became obsolete and will be removed in Atata.Configuration.Json v3.

Using deprecated properties until now causes Atata warnings to be written to log.

Instead of old properties, add items to "eventSubscriptions" like below:

"logNUnitError": true


"eventSubscriptions": [
    "handlerType": "Atata.LogNUnitErrorEventHandler, Atata"

"takeScreenshotOnNUnitError": true,
"takeScreenshotOnNUnitErrorTitle": "string",
"takeScreenshotOnNUnitErrorKind": "default" // Supports: "default", "viewport" and "fullPage".


"eventSubscriptions": [
    "handlerType": "Atata.TakeScreenshotOnNUnitErrorEventHandler, Atata",
    "screenshotKind": "default", // Optional. "default" by default. Can be "viewport" or "fullPage".
    "screenshotTitle": "Failed"  // Optional. "Failed" by default.

"takePageSnapshotOnNUnitError": true,
"takePageSnapshotOnNUnitErrorTitle": "string"


"eventSubscriptions": [
    "handlerType": "Atata.TakePageSnapshotOnNUnitErrorEventHandler, Atata",
    "snapshotTitle": "Failed" // Optional. "Failed" by default.

"onCleanUpAddArtifactsToNUnitTestContext": true


"eventSubscriptions": [
    "handlerType": "Atata.AddArtifactsToNUnitTestContextEventHandler, Atata"

"useAllNUnitFeatures": true will remain working and is recommended to use.