Custom ControlDefinitionAttribute

How to create custom ControlDefinitionAttribute.

There are cases when custom ControlDefinitionAttribute has to be created to define some specific controls.


For example, there are pages containing the following paragraph element: <p class="error-message"> which we need to test.


To create a custom control definition attribute, create a new class inherited from the existing ControlDefinitionAttrbiute.

using Atata;

namespace SampleApp.UITests
    public class ErrorMessageDefinitionAttribute : ControlDefinitionAttribute
        public ErrorMessageDefinitionAttribute()
            : base("p") // Sets the base XPath of the scope element.
            ContainingClass = "error-message"; // Sets the containing CSS class name.
            ComponentTypeName = "error message"; // Sets the name of the component type.
                                                 // It is used in report log messages to describe the component type.
namespace SampleApp.UITests
    using _ = SomePage;

    public class SomePage : Page<_>
        public Text<_> ErrorMessage { get; private set; }