Override ControlDefinitionAttribute for Property of Control Type

How to set ControlDefinitionAttribute for property of Control type.

There are cases when ControlDefinitionAttribute of a particular control type has to be overridden at a specific place.


For example, there is a page containing the following checkbox element: <input type="CheckBox"... /> which we need to test. By default, Atata CheckBox control which we want to use for that element, has "input[@type='checkbox']" scope XPath in the control definition. Thus, the above-mentioned element is not suitable with the default control definition of CheckBox control, as type attribute differs with the casing.


To override a default control definition at the property level, add ControlDefinitionAttrbiute with appropriate values to the property.

using Atata;

namespace SampleApp.UITests
    using _ = SomePage;

    public class SomePage : Page<_>
        [ControlDefinition("input[@type='CheckBox']", ComponentTypeName = "checkbox")] // Overrides the default definition of the checkbox control.
        public CheckBox<_> SomeCheckBox { get; private set; }